Alliad Unlocks Procurement Value with Ivalua and Wins Digital Transformation Award

Redwood City, CA, March 5, 2025.  Ivalua, a global leader in spend management, today announced that Alliad, a global leader in integrated services, has transformed its procurement operations with Ivalua’s unified platform. This project drove significant savings and efficiency gains and earned Alliad the Best Procurement Impact on Digital Transformation award at the Middle East Procuretech Summit & Awards 2025 in Dubai.

Alliad, formerly GCC Services, is a global leader in integrated services, specializing in engineering and construction, supply chain and logistics, facilities management, and support services. With more than 3,500 employees across eight countries and a strong focus on emerging markets, Alliad combines international expertise with local knowledge to deliver comprehensive solutions that drive economic growth. The strategic partnership with Ivalua aimed to modernize and automate procurement for critical projects, enabling Alliad to improve collaboration with global organizations.

Alliad’s Shift to a Digitalized, Data-Driven Future

The procurement digitalization project began in response to the limitations of Alliad’s previous system, which relied heavily on manual operations and was prone to inefficiencies, errors, and delays. Additionally, the procurement team lacked visibility into spend patterns and metrics in critical areas such as supplier performance. Alliad recognized an opportunity to centralize operations and streamline critical processes including supplier management, catalog management, and purchase order management.

“Managing a complex, multi-tier supply chain can be daunting, particularly when reliant on manual processes for supplier approvals as was the case with our previous system,” said Biju Raman, Procurement Director at Alliad. “Our goal was to streamline the upstream procurement activities including onboarding process across Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 suppliers, ensuring compliance and efficiency while maintaining strong relations with Tier 1 suppliers. This manual approach not only slowed operations but also limited visibility into the supply chain, hindering our ability to implement sustainability initiatives effectively”.

“To address these challenges, we partnered with Ivalua to implement a state-of-the-art Supplier Portal. This solution digitized and automated the supplier approval process, creating a seamless flow from Tier 1 suppliers to the deeper tiers of our supply chain”.

Procurement Empowered: Faster, Smarter, and More Sustainable 

Ivalua enabled Alliad’s users to create purchase orders (POs), request quotations, and manage contracts quickly and efficiently within a single platform. Furthermore, Ivalua integrates with Alliad’s WMS system, ensuring seamless order tracking, inventory management, and invoice processing. Suppliers can now self-onboard by providing and managing required documents (such as trade licenses, certifications, and compliance documents). 

The approved supplier catalogs, including product prices, certifications, and compliance documentation, are now managed digitally within Ivalua. This ensures that the most up-to-date information is always available to procurement teams, significantly reducing errors associated with outdated or incomplete catalog data.

Alliad’s transition to Ivalua has yielded impressive results:

  • Efficiency Improvements: Alliad has reduced time spent on administrative tasks by over 30%, empowering procurement to focus on higher-value activities such as strategic sourcing and supplier relationship management.
  • Cost Savings: Automation has led to financial savings of approximately 20% by enabling Alliad to identify and act upon missed opportunities.
  • Improved Visibility: With greater insight into its supply chain, Alliad can now monitor supplier performance and compliance more effectively. Real-time insights into spend patterns, supplier performance, and compliance metrics enable better-informed decision-making. Furthermore, streamlined processes and increased transparency have empowered Alliad to prioritize and implement sustainability initiatives, ensuring ESG goals are at the forefront of supply chain strategies.

Adam Lalani, Chief Technology Officer at Alliad added: “With Ivalua we’ve turned a complex challenge into an opportunity for innovation, paving the way for a more efficient and sustainable future. The project empowered Alliad with a future-proof scalable platform transitioning from manual, people-driven processes to a centralized, data-driven environment, unlocking efficiency, sustainability, and long-term value. We look forward to continuing our transformative journey to drive further value across the organization.”

About Ivalua 

Ivalua is a leading provider of cloud-based, Spend Management software powered by AI agents. Our unified Source-to-Pay platform enables businesses to better manage all categories of spend and all suppliers, increasing profitability, improving sustainability, lowering risk and boosting employee productivity. We are trusted by hundreds of the world’s most admired brands and recognized as a leader by Gartner and other analysts. Learn more at Follow us on LinkedIn.

About Alliad

Alliad, formerly known as GCC Services, is a global leader in integrated services, specializing in engineering & construction, supply chain & logistics, facilities management, and support services. With a strong focus on emerging markets, particularly in Africa, Alliad combines international expertise with local knowledge to deliver comprehensive solutions that drive economic growth and improve quality of life. Committed to sustainable development and community empowerment, Alliad is proud to be the worldwide partner of choice for companies, governments and aid organizations operating in remote and challenging conditions. Learn more at Follow us on LinkedIn.

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