Welcome to the #loveprocurement podcast, where we bring you a fresh and lighthearted take on all things procurement. We’ll dive into this fascinating world with a twist of humor and a sprinkle of fun. Each episode explores a different topic, inviting industry experts and special guests to share their insights, experiences, and stories.

For those that #loveprocurement or are curious why others do.

Season 1 – Episode 26

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Ep 26: Stimulating an Appetite for Digital Change ft Sam Bowyer #LoveProcurement

RELEASED February 18, 2025

How well an organization – or a procurement team – knows itself plays a huge role in how successful they are able to be in any change effort, systems implementations included. Knowing what the objectives of the project are and having a plan to stay focused on them until they are achieved is both absolutely critical and also a lot harder than it sounds.

In this episode of the #LoveProcurement podcast, Kelly Barner is joined by Sam Bowyer. Sam is a Director at Optis Consulting, where he focuses on the strategy side of implementation. Over the last decade, he has helped procurement teams prepare for, strategize about, and – in some cases – execute systems implementations.

Sam shares his experience with some of the greatest challenges and opportunities procurement faces during times of change:

  • How a desire to proceed deliberately may clash with the business’s enthusiasm about new capabilities and functionality
  • The connections (and correlations) between procurement’s mindset towards change and their overall maturity as a function
  • Characteristics he sees among his most effective procurement points of contact

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